
Porting to nuxt.js

My personal website is one of the places where I can easily experiment, and it has been written and rewritten a few times. Having said that, laziness meant that it was stuck on its previous PHP-laravel implementation for a while. PHP was one of the first things I learned as continue reading…

Typescript and the Beanstalk

Typescript and the Beanstalk Deploying typescript apps to Beanstalk with CircleCI Before we get started, note that this post assumes that you have your CircleCI/Beanstalk integration working already. The reason for this is that setting that up itself is a very long-winded process. I may make a video about it continue reading…

Getting started with nodejs, nvm, npm

Getting started with NodeJS, nvm, npm. I’ve recently been playing with NodeJS, and wanted to share my findings. This is just a quick ‘hello world’ tutorial on getting started. I (as of writing) code perl for a living, so you should definitely take my word on nodejs ;). Ok, enough continue reading…

[vlog] this year’s uni projects

It’s … been a while, hasn’t it? Okay, okay, it’s been three months. I’m currently buried underneath 6ft of Uni work, given this is my final year and my dissertation is due soon. I’ll try to blog more often once I get into full-time paid employment. However, until then, here’s continue reading…

A first look at Cordova: pros and cons

I absolutely love the fact that tools like ionic and Cordova exist. It  means that Web Developers like myself can build hybrid applications (apps that work in both web and mobile) without needing to write native code. However, this doesn’t come without disadvantages. Due to this, I wanted to write a continue reading…

Form sins: part two

This is a continuation of my previous rant on mistakes web developers make that make forms unusable. Here are other things I’ve noticed, mostly about forms that need your address: Requiring a ‘middle name’. They’re not used in every country in the world. Having a broken country input. This, in continue reading…

Web forms

Web forms. They are used everywhere. Yet I have seen so many things done in them, that have made it difficult for even myself (a tech-savvy user, a web developer) to fill in. This should not happen. Filling in web forms is required for many reasons, yet to many users continue reading…