Python argparse cheat sheet

I have a confession to make: I never remember how to use argparse. Maybe it’s because I don’t use it often enough to have how it works memorized, but I certainly use it often enough that I’m annoyed every time I have to look it up. Argparse? More like ARGHparse. continue reading…

13 ways the Internet is broken

#9 will shock you. The web has been changing the past few years, not necessarily always for the better. There has been an emergence of anti-patterns, which are patterns that stand to try to make a profit without caring about the user experience, or often by hindering it. These patterns continue reading…

New WP install for this site

You may have noticed the site looks different. Due to “technical difficulties” I’ve had to move the wordpress install to a new box, quite hastily. Please let me know if anything is broken; I’m still picking up the pieces.

ENOUGH with the burndown charts!

I heard about a team being asked to provide burndown charts in their demos to stakeholders. My first reaction was: why!? In this blog post, I’m going to try to articulate why I believe burndown charts are often meaningless at best and harmful at worst, and why even if they continue reading…